10 Best ROI Home Improvement Projects

Published | Posted by Sarah McCormick

10 Best ROI Home Improvement Projects

Published by on May 31, 2022 6:30:00 AM

Regardless of if you're planning to sell your Seattle home soon or you want to enjoy a few upgrades, it's important to remember that not all home upgrades are made equal. While turning a bathroom into a spa-like place is enticing, the cost of doing so may not be worth it when the time comes to sell. In contrast, replacing gutters or repairing a leaky roof is more likely to boost a home's value no matter how non-luxurious these upgrades might sound. So before you reach out to Seattle's finest real estate professionals and list your home for sale, find out what are the top 10 ROI home improvement projects you can invest in and boost the value of your property.


With house prices in Seattle continuing to rise, now is a perfect moment to upgrade your home's infrastructure. Prioritizing home improvement ROI could boost your house's value even more. So to help you decide where to invest your money, here are the top 10 home improvements that give the best ROI.

 Living room with large windows and a swimming pool outside

Many people wrongfully believe that luxurious features such as swimming pools or home spas bring high ROI while, in reality, it's completely the opposite.


#1 (Minor) bathroom remodel

Any real estate professional would confirm that bathrooms and kitchens sell homes. A minor bathroom remodel has the best return on investment - an astounding 102%


There's no need to gut the entire area but making small changes can make a big difference. For example, replace the showerhead with a rain shower, replace the vanity, or try upgrading the lighting to brighten things up. And even if you decide to do a complete bathroom remodel, you still won't make a mistake. You can expect roughly around 93% ROI.


#2 Landscaping

When fixing up your house, money spent on the outside goes a long way. If nothing else, a home's curb appeal helps it sell. New landscaping could be just what the house needs to look fresh and appealing.


The curb appeal may be the first thing buyers see, so update the landscaping to make an excellent first impression. You don't have to go too far. The best landscaping designs are the simplest ones. A good landscaping job should look nice and not make it look like there is much work to do.


#3 Minor kitchen upgrade

Without tearing down a whole room, you can increase your ROI with a small kitchen remodel. It's essential to invest in small changes that make the most significant difference.

Kitchen with white cabinets during renovation


 Investing in minor kitchen upgrades is one of the best ROI home improvement projects to focus on.


Start by getting better, newer versions of the appliances you already have. Next, instead of buying new cabinets, try giving the ones you already have a fresh coat of paint. This, along with new hardware, could make a massive difference in a kitchen.


#4 Converting your attic

If you are lucky to live in a home with an attic that can be converted into a room, don't think twice about doing so. There's no better way to make a home worth more than by adding extra rooms


#5 Updating your windows

It may surprise you, but getting new windows can make a huge difference and give you a great ROI. As your windows get older, they don't keep your house as warm and dry as they used to.


Old windows often let in more allergens, don't keep the house warm, and cause energy bills to go up. If you think your windows cost you money and make you less comfortable, you might want to replace them with new ones. Nowadays, energy-efficient features are very sought-after among buyers


#6 Replacing your entry door

Even though it's the easiest home improvement on our list, replacing the front door could easily be one of the most important ones. A front door will be one of the first things prospective buyers see, and it's an excellent chance for your Seattle home to make a great first impression.


Remember that most people will decide in the first few minutes if they want to buy a home or not. So, it's in a homeowner's best interest to put their best foot forward and make their house look better from the outside.


#7 Full kitchen remodel

If you want to go a step further, consider doing a complete kitchen remodel. Consider creating an open-plan kitchen as they are very popular among buyers. One of the best things you can do is take down a wall that doesn't need to be there and connects the kitchen to the rest of the house.


As major kitchen remodels should involve tearing everything out and starting over, make sure to keep your belongings safe from potential damage. One of the easiest ways to go about this is renting a storage unit in Seattle. And the best part is that Seattle offers safe facilities that are inexpensive at the same time.


#8 Adding a deck, porch, or a patio

If there is enough space, consider adding a deck, patio, or porch. Adding one of these structures to the outside of a house can make a huge difference and boost the value of your Seattle home. At the very least, a deck could make your yard more useful for living in. At most, it could be just the feature a buyer has been looking for all along.


#9 Finishing your basement

Not all homes have the luxury of a basement and if you are lucky enough to have one, consider changing your underground living space. By doing this, it would be easy to make your home's living space bigger.


Instead of keeping a dark and dingy basement, which could hurt your chances of selling the house, try making the basement a selling point in and of itself. If you are unsure what to do with your unfinished basement, consider creating a home gym, office space, or laundry room. Just think about what your target audience is probably looking for, and we're sure you'll figure it out quickly. 


#10 Update your flooring

Lastly, consider updating the flooring in your Seattle home. In fact, research suggests that new floors can yield an average of upwards of 300% ROI

A living room with gray walls, a fireplace, large windows, hardwood floors, and a large gray sofa



Adding hardwood floors can boost the value of your home up to an amazing 2.5%!


Which ROI home improvement projects will you choose?

As you can see, when selling your home, it's best to be practical and choose ROI home improvement projects that really help you boost your property's price. So listen to Seattle real estate experts and stay away from expensive and luxurious features. Instead, focus on improvements that will only enhance your Seattle home's potential and make prospective buyers instantly want to move in. Hopefully, we've helped you choose which ones!

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