Brady McMullin

Real Estate Agent

  • License #140572

As a life long Seattleite, I understand what makes our great city attractive and a terrific place to live, work and play. If you are newly moving to Seattle or lived here decades, I look forward to using my experience in buying, selling, building and remodeling in your next search for a home. Making that process go smoothly is my top priority. I live in NE Seattle with my wife and two kids. I volunteer as Director for District 2 for Washington Junior Golf Association during summers.

206-914-2259 is the number to talk or text and is email. I would love to be your agent!

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We take great pride in our ability to deliver outstanding results. And our satisfied home buyers and sellers can attest to that. That’s what makes us more than just another real estate agency. It means we not only have the expertise to see your purchase or sale through from start to finish, we’re here for you from then on for any needs that might arise. It’s an ongoing commitment to excellence that delivers maximum peace of mind.
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